The Creepy truth about Humidifiers
It’s that time of the year again when your lips crack, your nose gets stuffy and your skin starts to feel like sandpaper. The changing weather weakens our immune systems and we struggle to adjust to the cold and dry atmosphere.
A lot of us will pull out the humidifier from storage, dust it off and start running it. While the moisture it adds to the air can help us, more often than not, it will harm us more.
Humidifiers can become a cosy incubator for mold and bacteria, according to indoor air specialists. When it creates moisture it also aerosolizes these micro-organisms into the air you breathe, making you sicker.
We’re talking about lung issues, from flu-like symptoms to serious infection, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission of America. Experts also have a name for the form of viral lung inflammation caused by humidifiers that are colonised by bacteria: humidifier fever.
So beware when you’re out looking for a humidifier to beat the dryness – drinking more water and moisturising is safer than a humidifier.
And if you’re tempted to buy an air purifier that has a built in humidifier to address the problem, that might make you worst off.
Most of these air purifiers that come with built in humidifiers aren’t equipped with high-grade HEPA filters that can capture the airborne mold spores and bacteria and will also clean less air in the same time. This is because manufacturers are forced to make a smaller fan unit to make space for the humidifier.
Very few affordable air purifiers come with the technology that is third party tested for capturing air borne viruses, bacteria and mold spores. BLUEAIR air purifiers with their patented HEPASilent technology are one of them. And now you can easily get them in Pakistan. Head over to our shop page to see the entire collection.